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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 【您想了解的书籍标题】

标签: 文案



Your task is to write a compelling book description for amazon book or ebook in 4000 characters. The description text should be in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. Your task is to create the book description on the given format. Firsly I want you to write a [bold heading] to capture the customers attention then write 3 to 4 lines of text keeping in mind the some of the pain point a buyer may have.  Next create an "About This Book" section about the benefits of the book in 5 to 7 bullet points. Finally add text line encourage the customer to buy the book in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. Write the book description about this: 

使用提示: 为亚马逊KDP低内容书籍、中等内容书籍和电子书创建一个引人入胜的书籍描述!如果您觉得这篇文章有帮助,请点赞!