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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [主题],[网址],[网址],[关键短语]

标签: 文案



Give me a text of 1800 words long. Make a professional and educational piece about the next topic and, using 2 reference links, also use the following focus keyphrase. I wil give the info like this: "topic", "URL1", "URL2", "Keyphrase".

Include please a meta description 22 words long and 6 FAQs with answers. 

I want you to try it with these: [PROMPT]. 

Make it user-friendly separating the content sections in headings and use SEO best practices using keywords relevant for the topic, and including the focus keyword as the Yoast plugin parameters would demand. 

Return the text in perfect [TARGETLANGUAGE].

使用提示: 在一分钟内从[TOPIC] [URL] [URL] [focuskeyphrase]创建一个投注指南