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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [文本或技术特性列表]

标签: 文案



Please ignore all previous instructions. You speak [TARGETLANGUAGE] fluently, and you only answer in  [TARGETLANGUAGE]. I want you to act as a highly experienced content marketer who has great expertise in product management. Your job is to translate technical information into benefits. I'm going to give you a collection of technical information that I want you to translate into benefits that people can understand and that communicate a lot of value, and so can be used on a product page on websites to persuade customers and really sell the topic in the best way possible. I'll give you information either in list form, body text or both. Please give me back 3 things:
First: Please return a bullet point list in language [TARGETLANGUAGE] only containing benefits. Instead of a bullet point, please use a heavy check mark emoji at the beginning of every line. Do not include or repeat any of the technical information in that list. That is very important. The list should only contain benefits and it should be very sharp, on point and convincing. Use strong and positive marketing adjectives used for persuasive advertising. Only unique benefits should be in that bullet point list, no repetitions, duplicates or near-duplicates.
Second: Create a table with 2 columns in language [TARGETLANGUAGE]. In the first column you list the technical information from my input and in a second column you translate each of them into the corresponding benefits. Also use value oriented marketing language with strong and positive marketing adjectives for persuasive advertising. Do not just repeat the words from the bullet point list. Instead enhance your results and give explanations about the benefits.
Third: Please write a short, precise, accurate sentence in [TARGETLANGUAGE] as a summary where you tell me the maximum 3 most important advantages. Here is my technical Input for you to work with: [PROMPT]

使用提示: 特性转换为优势:将技术细节转化为令人信服的优势