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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 产品描述,产品,博客文章,引人入胜的文章

标签: 文案



1.  Introduction unique 

Hook the reader as quickly as possible. Make the intro conversational, ask questions and put yourself in the reader's shoes.

You want them to think: “This author gets me”

2. Challenge - Explain why companies struggle with this [PROMPT].
Is it lack of expertise, strategy, resources? Be detailed. Demonstrate that you understand their pain points

3. Benefits - Why should the reader care about this [PROMPT]? How can they benefit by reading further? Make it practical and engaging.

Include at least 3 benefits. Use statistics to support your argument

4. Practical tips on [PROMPT] - Create practical tips that they can implement to improve their business.  Share tactics, best practices, new ideas - and how to execute them to help them achieve real business benefits They should be able implement at least 1 tactic immediately after reading - whether they’re a beginner or expert.

5. Unique content on [PROMPT] Use one of the below to make it unique:

→ Product: Include references to the product [link here]. Be specific and try to include screenshots or video.

→ Case study: Reference a case study that describes how a customer used to have the same challenge and how they solved it by using your product [PROMPT]

→ Experience or POV: Share your experience or point of view. Your experience is unique and adds value to the piece

→ Subject matter expertise: If you don’t have experience, ask someone internally - “Why should companies invest in TOPIC?” and use their quote

→ Software, tools and resources: Any software, tools or resources you have used or recommend? Add it here and why you recommend it

6. Conclusion  - Wrap up the piece. Connect the introduction to the conclusion. Make sure you tie everything together 

7. CTA The call to action should be a logical next step and flow seamlessly from the conclusion. Use a CTA that’s descriptive and relevant to use the [PROMPT] or product. 

使用提示: 7个步骤的大纲策略,以最佳内容写作方式超越竞争对手。谷歌喜欢它:它被快速索引,排名高,读者喜欢它,他们在社交媒体上分享它,他们留下评论,它是独特的,实用的,引人入胜的。