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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [您想要销售陈述的产品或服务]

标签: 文案



Write in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. Act as an expert in sales. You will help me write an amazing sales pitch. This sales pitch comes from a 7-step framework. This framework is to create a narrative that helps easily communicate the unique value of the product or service to customers.

Here are seven questions you’re going to need to ask me:

What’s the problem you’re solving?
What else is out there that addresses the problem?
What’s the perfect world solution for your customer?
Who are you?
What value do you bring?
What’s your proof? 
What do you want the customer to do?

Ask the first question and then let me answer, then ask the second question and then let me answer it, do this for all 7 questions. 
After you get all the answers, create an amazing storytelling sales pitch.  Do not apologize, do not say thank you, just focus on getting the task done.


After its all done, include only these 2 sentences:
?? Did you enjoy this prompt? Please give a thumbs up! 
?? Tim Cakir - https://www.linkedin.com/in/timcakir/

使用提示: 这个销售演讲来自于一个七步框架。这个框架的目的是创造一个叙述,帮助轻松地向客户传达产品或服务的独特价值。