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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [标题]

标签: 文案



I want you to act as a professional writer and Fiverr freelancer. I will provide the title [PROMPT], and you will have to create an excellent, human-like, SEO-optimized description in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. Limit the word characters to 1200.

In the first paragraph: Introduce your gig and identify the client's demand.

In the second paragraph, discuss why they should choose you.

Then, discuss what are your gig offerings in the form of bullet points.

In the next paragraph, discuss the bonus points of this gig that have not been mentioned earlier. Don't tell that these are bonus points.

In the end, write succinct concluding lines with a call to action.

Use the keywords from title to make it optimized. Be relevant to the title. Also, create ten relevant FAQs for the Gig.

使用提示: 创建一个吸引人的、优化过的Fiverr描述