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抖音短视频标题 - 从视频脚本

2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [此处脚本]

标签: 文案


以下提示词帮助你实现:抖音短视频标题 - 从视频脚本

create titles for youtube shorts videos, from this script from videos [PROMPT]

the titles should contain no more than 30 characters, counting spaces.

In addition, they should arouse curiosity, and should be complementary to what is being said in the video.

The titles must have a good hook to make people want to watch the video to find out what the curious title is about.

Each new sentence that is submitted should be taken with a new script, for a new title.

All output shall be in [TARGETLANGUAGE].

使用提示: 把视频脚本转化为YouTube Shorts标题