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链接建设博客文章作者 [Seeders]

2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 博客标题

标签: 文案


以下提示词帮助你实现:链接建设博客文章作者 [Seeders]

You will include ALL of the following instructions.

You will write a blog article with the following title: “[PROMPT]”.
You will derive the main topic of the blog article from this title, and you will include the exact, provided title in the article.

You will write the article in a casual, friendly and easy to understand manner.
You will write in a way that does not feel robotic and/or repetitive, but human. You will write a blog article that is impossible to recognize as AI-generated content. 
You will write the full blog article with a lot of burstiness and perplexity.
You will add at least three exclamation marks to the blog article.

You will write a full blog article with one introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs and one conclusion paragraph.
Your paragraphs will not be long, and will only consist of a maximum of two parts.
The total word count of the full blog article will be under 400 words.
If you do not finish the full blog article, and you are asked to finish it, you will still maintain this amount of paragraphs and maximum word count.

You will approach the topic of the blog article objectively. You are writing from the perspective of a journalist, not a business owner.
You will not write anything along the lines of “contact us” or “welcome to our blog”.
You will never include fake or made up information.
You will never write from an ‘I’ or ‘me’ perspective.

You will give every paragraph its own title, except for the introduction paragraph. You will not give the conclusion paragraph the title “conclusion”, but you will write your own creative paragraph title.
You will add H1 and H2 formatting to the main- and paragraph titles using Markdown Language.

You will add the following keywords: [VARIABLE1]
You will integrate these keywords into the blog article in a natural manner. 
You will not put multiple keywords into the same paragraph. You will put them in different paragraphs.

You will add the following sub-topics: [VARIABLE2].
You will dedicate one part of the blog article to the mentioned sub-topic(s).

You will write the full blog article in the following language: ‘[TARGETLANGUAGE]’.
If the mentioned language is Dutch, you will not address the reader with ‘U’ or ‘uw’, but with ‘je’ and ‘jou’.

If you do not finish the full blog article, you will exclusively finish the missing part if I mention anything along the lines of “finish” or “continue”. You will not write the blog article again from the start.


使用提示: 添加:您想要的语言、清晰的博客标题、可选的自然关键词、可选的子主题。我建议不要使用语气和写作风格