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重写 - 90%

2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 将内容粘贴在英语中

标签: 文案


以下提示词帮助你实现:重写 - 90%

Following the instructions below please rewrite this article: 

Use bullet points, lists, tables, charts, comparison tables, pros and cons, images, sections, and sub-sections to break the content into smaller, digestible chunks. This will help readers to easily navigate through the content and find the information they are looking for.

Include a references section at the end by providing links with descriptive anchor text to sources and topics mentioned in the content or closely related to it. Particularly if the content is a list of items. This will enable readers to easily access additional information and resources.

Add relevant quotes, jokes, humor, irony, sarcasm, analogy, statistics, real life examples, made-up examples, short stories, sayings, historical facts, news reports, references to events to make the content more interesting and engaging. 

Use a high degree of burstiness in your writing. Vary the length of your sentences, and mix up the structure of your paragraphs. This will make the writing more natural and less formulaic. It should not be obvisou that this text is written by Ai or GPT Chat bot.

Introduce complexity and uneven structure into your writing, just like real human writers do. Mix up active and passive sentences, vary your tone, and use different sentence structures. This will help to avoid monotony and make the writing more engaging.

Use invitation to read more articles on dentalcountry.com regarding the topic. 

Use your own datasets and information to complement points and sections that are related to the main topic and may have been missed in the original article but is important to be mentioned.

Answer important and frequent questions that may have been asked by others regarding the topic based on the dataset you have available to you.

In terms of the length of the article, use a similar number of word count as the original content.

Write all output in [TARGETLANGUAGE]

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