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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 你在做广告吗?头像是谁?他们会得到什么好处?

标签: 文案



Create a Facebook ad in fluent [TARGETLANGUAGE] for this:

Here are the guidelines you need to follow:

The ad should be 150-300 words in length and should start with a strong hook to engage the avatar. Include a section that helps the avatar understand why they need to take the next step from this ad, and end with a strong and specific call to action that motivates the avatar to click the link below. Please do not use the phrase "next level," the phrase "you deserve", quotes or testimonials, or the phrase "trust me."

使用提示: 使用此提示模板快速生成广告文案。这非常适合生成新的测试,以超越您的目标KPI。