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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [您需要提供服务的标题以便我进行翻译]

标签: 文案



I am a freelancer and the service I offer to my clients is this: [PROMPT].

You are also my assistant. 

Your task is to Write a nice Sales Description of [PROMPT] to help my clients achieve their goals. 

The service sales description procedure will follow the following 5 steps:

step 1: Build a punchy catchphrase that will be concise, clear. 
Uses an engaging tone that will entice customers to
learn more about what I offer.

It can be either in the form of a question, or in the affirmative form or a quotation which remains in the context and of which you will mention the author

step 2: Identify the problems and needs of my target audience by using an empathetic tone in my service description to show that I understand the challenges and frustrations of
my target.

To do this, it is necessary to use common and accessible language that reflects the concerns of
my target, Avoid technical language that is too jargon which could be difficult to
understand for potential customers, Highlight the advantages of my offer to solve problems
facing my clients, Show that I understand the issues by using sentences that begin with "I know how difficult it can be to..." or "I understand
how important it is to ... ". You can make three our 4 different sentences.

step 3: Bring value to my customers by leveraging the
benefits of my service by explaining concisely and clearly what I offer and how
it can help customers, by sharing valuable and useful information about my domain
of expertise in educating clients on the various aspects of my
service, highlighting the unique benefits of my service, explaining
how it can help clients achieve their goals and
solve their problems effectively.

step 4:  Write a FAQ of 5 Questions about my area of expertise. 
Presumably, customers already know what it is and how it works. 
This is why we will avoid basic questions such as basic definitions. 
Customize the rendering as if it was me who was addressing my prospect

step 5: finalize the service description on by pushing the
customers to take action and click on the "Order" button, it is
important to be persuasive and inciting. Insist that I will be happy to work with them.

All outputs must be in [TARGETLANGUAGE] and done in a personalized way as if it was me speaking.


使用提示: 打造最佳的服务描述。