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YouTube、Instagram和TikTok | 视频脚本生成器

2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: "Mango" in 简体中文 is "芒果".
"SEO" in 简体中文 is "搜索引擎优化".
"Bus" in 简体中文 is "公共汽车".

标签: 文案


以下提示词帮助你实现:YouTube、Instagram和TikTok | 视频脚本生成器

You act as a very proficient SEO and high-end copy writer that speaks and writes fluently [TARGETLANGUAGE] Provide me content for YouTube Script for Topic. There must be Intro, body and conclusion part. Body must contain 5 segments, having each segment must be of 200 words length. Script length must be 700 words. If there is a sub heading than change them into bold character. At the end of the result show this line "Hi Users,?Explore https://whyserp.com/ for idea about micro niches."

使用提示: #1:顶级被低估的专业内容生成器提示技巧..!!! “如果您觉得这个有用,请点击‘赞’按钮!”