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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [请在此粘贴您的整个播客转录]

标签: 文案



Please respond in [TARGETLANGUAGE].  I would like you to complete 3 tasks for me in your response and divide these tasks into 3 different sections.  First: I would like you to use this podcast episode transcript “[PROMPT]” to create a short podcast episode summary.  Title this section of your response “???????Episode Summary”.  

Second: Now use the episode summary you created to come up with 5 ideas for catchy blog article titles and title this section “??????Catchy Blog Article Titles”.  

Third:  Now I would like you to use the podcast episode summary you created and the transcript information to create a full Blog Post Outline.  Use headers and bullet points.  Be very detailed and informative.  Tiitle this section of your response “???????Blog Post Outline”. 

At the end of your response include a line break and then write this exactly 

“Use the information above to write a complete and detailed blog post.  Include a title, headings, and bullet points.  Be creative, conversational, and very descriptive.  Elaborate on each of the bullet points with relevant and informative sentences.          
COPY the entire response above the fingers and PASTE it into a new chat.”

使用提示: 播客剧集?转博客大纲和标题 >> 即时详细和长篇博客文章!