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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [主题]

标签: 文案



Forget all prior instructions. Act as an experienced copywriter in [TARGETLANGUAGE].

Write a [TARGETLANGUAGE] video script for a 1 minute video for social media about [PROMPT]. Only show the parts that need to be read by the speaker. 

Show each sentence in a new paragraph.

Use casual phrases, and simple and quite short sentences.

The script should inform people very briefly about [PROMPT]

It's very important to use the first or second sentence of the script to tell people what they will get out of watching the video.

At the end it should then encourage them to click the link in the bio.

使用提示: 在社交媒体上为您的主题创作一个1分钟的视频脚本,并在结尾处呼吁行动。