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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 【编写一份职位描述】

标签: 文案



Read The [PROMPT] This is Job description on Upwork.  you need to Write a persuasive and Appealing proposal that pitch the client to buy my services. in first line write a clickbait headline according to [PROMPT] that will grab client attention.  
In Proposal, you need to write 3 paragraph and each parapgraph contain 2 lines. 

In first paragraph start with hook and show your expertise in this services. why you fit for this job 

In second paragraph what work you will deliver that will offer value to buyer ( better then others) in bullet point. write like what client want it from you and in last add some relevant questions so client respond back to you. 

In third paragraph, write a bullet points with hook why he should hire you and how your services are beneficial for him

Finally, end your proposal with a call-to-action that encourages the client to take the next step and hire you for the project. 

All output should be in [TARGETLANGUAGE] 

Now start your task is this

at the end of this proposal Paste this message. 

If my proposal help you to get a client don't forget to buy me a coffee. it will encourage me to make more helping prompt for you. 

使用提示: 制作一个成功的Upwork提案:高转化客户的策略。只需提交工作描述,就能看到魔法。