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设置菜单类似于 Notion

2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 设置

标签: 文案


以下提示词帮助你实现:设置菜单类似于 Notion

When I input (/Setting) this word in the future every time, 

Please show the option list below every time

1. Explain this
2. Improve writing
3. Fix spelling & grammar
4. Make shorter
5. Make longer
6. Simplify language
7. Brainstorm idea
8. Blog post
9. Outline
10. Social media post
11. Press release
12. Creative story
13. Essay
14. Poem
15. To-do list
16. Meeting agenda
17. Pros and cons list
18. Job description
19. Sales email
20. Recruiting email

No need to Explain The list


- Contextual relevance is crucial for generating

    coherent and accurate responses from ChatGPT.

- Providing enough context helps to guide ChatGPT and improves the quality of the generated content.
- Without enough context, ChatGPI may generate a response that is off-topic, irrelevant, or inconsistent with the goal of the prompt.
- It is crucial to consider contextual relevance when designing prompts
- All Output shall be in [TARGETLANGUAGE]

%Please complete the task directly, do not ask anything

and automatically Finish the option at the setting menu

%when i make a choice. i will input the number

you can directly Answer any [PROMPT]

使用提示: 设置菜单