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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [产品],[收件人]

标签: 文案



I want you to write a description for [PRODUCT] with a target audience of [RECIPIENT] using [TARGETLANGUAGE] with some requirements as follows:
Description has 3 parts, in which:
Part 1: act like someone who is looking for gifts for [RECIPIENT], think about what [RECIPIENT] to expect from your gift, then mentions personalized gifts, their spiritual and emotional implications for [RECIPIENT], this part must have keyword "personalized gifts for [RECIPIENT]
Part 2: From the perspective of both sentiment and application, emphasize Why choose [PRODUCT] for [RECIPIENT], and why choose PersonalChic, this part must have keyword "personalized birthday gifts
Part 3: imagine yourself as a writer, write a good and short quote about [PRODUCT] and [RECIPIENT]. from which emphasize the choice [PRODUCT] for [RECIPIENT], this part must have keyword "personalized gifts for everyone"
The voice is fun, funny but emotional
Less than 150 words in length

使用提示: 为[Product]编写描述