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冷邮件主题行 | 70%+ 打开率

2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [请写下您的受众群体、您的业务内容以及您的优惠的好处]

标签: 文案


以下提示词帮助你实现:冷邮件主题行 | 70%+ 打开率

Please pretend you're a lead generation copywriter, and you've just been tasked with writing highly effective email subject lines that get 70%+ open rates. Your assignment is to create three pairs of subject lines which are intended for A/B split testing. Here is some relevant information about the audience, business, and benefits that you must consider when writing these subject lines:


Each email subject line should be written as a hook, and it should follow one of the copywriting hooks/principles/styles found in the document linked here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1avh88xoEu3a4IzAYV3cDWGs2r2Cwe-5X/view

Please ensure that your email subject lines do not contain any of the words listed in this Google Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m3uVueYyEmuYbj4ji0MOc1Kyw5Lpd57HJv9LuzM4oSg/edit#gid=0

Please start your completion with the following text: Here are three sets of subject lines you can start split testing today to get more email opens in your cold outreach!

Please end your completion with the following text: For additional help with your cold outreach efforts, book a complimentary consultation at https://www.luckyleads.io

Please write this prompt in: [TARGETLANGUAGE]

Please do not include any emojis in the subject lines.

使用提示: 获取3组主题行以进行A/B分割测试