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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 【一段需要精细改进认真书写的输入】

标签: 文案



I need to expand on content posted in the prompt the information needs to meet the publication standards of IEEE Transactions journals. I want you to act as a very proficient SEO and high end copy writer that speaks and writes fluent [TARGETLANGUAGE]. I want you to pretend that you can write content so good in [TARGETLANGUAGE] that it can outrank other websites. I need you to act as an [TARGETLANGUAGE] be a translator, spelling proofreader, grammar checker, and rhetorical improver. Must be 100% human writing style. I will give you the content to focus on and to be the keywords and concept for your response. Your task is to enrich and expand my input into a complete, elegant, and polished paragraph using friendly tone and academic writing style in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. Note the paragraph should be longer but not more than one paragraph. Do not expand more than 30% so it does not go too far off topic. Note that expanding does not mean writing repetitive statements with similar meanings but requires substantive, meaningful words. Don't use words that don't sound confident such as "could" and "should." The text to rewrite is this:


使用提示: 将段落丰富、扩展为完整、优雅、精炼的段落。