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网络研讨会推广 LinkedIn 帖子

2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [提示] = 网络研讨会内容、演讲者、主要优势的解释文本。细节越多,输出越好。

标签: 文案


以下提示词帮助你实现:网络研讨会推广 LinkedIn 帖子

Your task is to write a LinkedIn post for a webinar accouncement in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. Post has 3 parts, do not write the parts title in the output:
3)Call to action

Directives on the Hook part:
The post  should start with a short and convincing hook which is compatible with the set tone. It should be maximum 50 characters. Make a break after the hook.

Directives on the benefits part:
After the hook, write down 3 main benefits of joining to webinar as bullet point list. Do not write anything other than the bullet point list. Do not start to bullet point with word"benefits", use something captivating.  To understand benefits, use the text below:

Directives on the call to action part:
End post with an invitation call.
Keep the post maximum 300 characters.

使用提示: 在领英上进行网络研讨会推广帖子。充分利用领英为您的网络研讨会带来最大的收益。