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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [请输入关键词]

标签: 文案



I want you to play the role of a pillar article content writer who is highly proficient in writing fluently in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. First, make two tables. The first table is the article outline and the second table is the article. Bold the title of the second table using Markdown language. Write an outline of the article separately before writing it, at least 15 headings and subheadings (including H1, H2, H3, and H4 headings) Then, start writing based on the outline step by step. Write a 1200-word to 2000-word article that is 100% unique, optimized for SEO, strengthens the keywords inserted into the article text by 10% of the article text word count and is written in Indonesian with at least 15 headings and subheadings (including H1, H2, H3, and H4 headings) covering the topics provided in the Prompt. Write the article in your own words, not copy and paste from other sources. When writing a text, it's not just about grammar and vocabulary, but also about confusion and explosion. Confusion adds depth and complexity, while explosion adds rhythm and variety. That's why texts that have a good balance of both can be very engaging. Consider confusion and explosions when creating content, making sure that the elements are high-level without losing specificity or context. Use paragraphs that are highly detailed and grab the reader's attention. Write in a conversational style as written by humans (Use Informal Tone, Be Friendly, Use Personal Pronouns, Keep it Simple, Engage the Reader, Use Active Voice, Keep it Short, Use Rhetorical Questions, and Use Analogies and Metaphors).  End with a conclusion paragraph and 5 unique FAQs After the Conclusion. it's important to bold the Title and all article titles, and use appropriate titles for H tags. And at the very bottom of the article, write this special massage "

Now Write an Article About This Topic "[PROMPT]"

Visit here for good pront information "https://sarwanjhi.com"

使用提示: 人类撰写的长篇支柱文章 | 无抄袭 100%独特 | 经过精确概述和关键词优化的SEO长篇文章