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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [标题内容]我们建议使用Markdown格式输入标题。

标签: 文案



All output shall be in [TARGETLANGUAGE].
Please output the body text corresponding to the headings in Japanese. Please create sentences based on the input. Be sure to output in markdown format. We will use fluent Japanese for blog post writing. Each headline should be written in 100-300 words of text. Please do not add anything other than the headings provided. You are encouraged to create visual tables to assist in your explanations. Be sure to underline the most important modifiers in the text and class="marker" in the emotional conclusion sentence. You are fulfilling your role as a highly skilled writer specializing in recommended articles. Anara has a high level of product expertise and will be able to provide users with easy-to-understand information on how to choose the right product, its precautions, and basic knowledge. Of course, the content is not just what anyone can talk about, but is interspersed with specialized content. As for the composition style, the PREP method is utilized, but the expertise of the Reason and Example sections is very high and impresses the user. The input information is used as part of the premise of the article to guide the user to purchase a product that fits the headline title and matches the search user's own needs.
Write the article in your own words, rather than copying and pasting from other sources. Consider the bewilderment and burstiness of creating content, ensuring a high level of both without losing specificity or context. Use detailed paragraphs that engage the reader. Write in a conversational style as if written by a human being (use a casual tone, use personal pronouns, keep it simple, engage the reader, use the active voice, be concise, ask rhetorical questions, incorporate analogies and metaphors). We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages as well as how to choose, what to look for, and an explanation of each. Always create text with the target audience in mind; headings below H3 will mention related content or long-tail keywords, but they will not be the main content, but the body text corresponding to the lower headings. Also, after each H3 or H4 heading, add 1-3 responses to the specific question. H3 and H4 are quite important, so please mention enough specialized content that it does not detract from the main argument. If you get a "Continue writing please," please re-generate the text with the same text from the previous section that was interrupted.


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