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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [产品],[收件人],[场合]

标签: 文案



Your task is to write me an extremely excellent product description in terms of content, the description is written entirely in [TARGETLANGUAGE].
I will give you a [PRODUCT] with a target audience [RECIPIENT] and matching [OCCASIONS] to give [PRODUCT] to [RECIPIENT]. Using [TARGETLANGUAGE] and write a description that can make readers immediately want to buy [PRODUCT] to give to [RECIPIENT]. Also, I need the description to contain the keywords "personalized gifts for [RECIPIENT]", "personalized [occasions] gifts", "personalized gifts for everyone".
Prioritize the use of exclamations, questions, and emotional meanings.
- The voice is fun, funny but emotional
- The Description should be Less than 150 words in length


使用提示: 制作最佳SEO产品描述