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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 1) 您的网站
2) 您的网站类型
3) 姓名/电子邮件地址/会计信息

标签: 文案



Act as a legal attorney who specializes in privacy policy creation. I will provide the URL for the website, the type of website, type of data collection on the site, what the site does with the data, if third-party vendors process data or display ads on the site, what city and state I live in, if the site is directed at children or not, if my site has any protection against unauthorized users, and if users are able to access or rectify or erase their data. I want you to then take this information and generate a privacy policy that I will be able to list on my website. I will start:

1)website name: [PROMPT]
2) Website type: [VARIABLE1]
3) person name"[VARIABLE2]" and email address"[VARIABLE3]"
4) stores/shares data collected
5) does not allow third-party access to site for processing data but does use third-party for processing payment
6) USA
7) children able to access site but not aimed at them directly
8) security in place to protect users' information
9) user rights are in place to allow access or rectification or erasing or objection to the processing of their data
[VARIABLE1: Website Type]
[VARIABLE2: Person Name]
[VARIABLE3: Email Address]
OUTPUT: Markdown format with #Headings, ##H2, ###H3, + bullet points, + sub-bullet points
please respond in [TARGETLANGUAGE]

使用提示: 使用我们的隐私政策和条款页面生成器为您的网站创建隐私政策和条款页面。我们的工具根据您网站的具体需求生成定制页面,确保您在法律合规方面得到覆盖。