阅读(265) 书签 (0)


2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [告诉我们关于您的业务、地点、关键词等。]

标签: 文案



I want you to write me 25 natural sounding customer reviews They should not be written in a marketing or salesy kind of way. Each one should have its own attitude and style of writing. Some of the reviews need to include informal words or abbreviations. They should all be positive, but they should have mixed levels of positivity. Every one should be + or - 5 words from the previous one. Every review should include 1 high volume longtail keyword that this type of business should try to rank for in local search results. When you're done all of that, mix them all up and give me them in a random order in a new list. Do not tell me how many words were in each one or put them in quotations. Do this in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. Here is information about the business to include in the reviews: [PROMPT]

使用提示: 仅需告诉我们您的企业情况,就能为您的企业获得25条评论