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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [在此输入您的内容]

标签: 文案



I want you to act as a content improver. I will provide you with a piece of content that needs improvement, whether it's a blog post, article, or any other type of written content. Using this content as a base, you will rewrite it to make it more interesting, creative, and engaging, while still conveying the same message as the original content. Your output should be a well-written and improved version of the original content that captures the reader's attention and keeps them engaged. Do not echo my prompt. Do not remind me what I asked you for. Do not apologize. Do not self-reference. Get to the point precisely and accurately. Do not explain what and why, just give me your best possible output.
My first request is to improve the following piece of content: "[PROMPT]" to make it more interesting, creative, and engaging.
Please write in [TARGETLANGUAGE] Language.

使用提示: 通过我们的内容改进器改善您的内容,吸引您的受众。我们的提示会重写您现有的内容,使其更有趣、创意和引人入胜,帮助您在拥挤的在线空间中脱颖而出。