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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [公司名称和关键词]

标签: 文案



Write a text for the landing page with the keyword. The first section is the hero section. Here I need to grab the visitors' attention. The headline should say what they need. How owning the product can improve their lives. It should include a call to action. Build a story. A brand is about making your customer the hero of a story. The seven big ideas The customer is the hero, not your brand. Companies tend to sell solutions to external problems, but customers buy solutions to internal problems. Customers aren't looking for another hero, they're looking for a companion. All copy should not directly call the customer the hero, but make them feel like they have found the guide they need to be the hero without saying they are the hero. Do not use the word hero in any way

Section 2 is the problem section. Write this section long and use the keywords to describe the customer's problem. Don't write how you can solve it. This section is about empathizing with the person and acknowledging their struggle. Highlight how they may be feeling. Include the same call to action as in section 1.

Section 3: Write down 6 bullet points here. Each with an H2 heading and a little text to go with it.

Section 4 is the values section. Highlight some bullet points to illustrate the value of choosing this company as a consultant. We want to show them what they can accomplish and how they will feel when we have successfully advised them. Include the same call to action.

Section 5 is the advice section. As a company, we will position ourselves as advisors who help our customers solve their problems and win. If we do business this way, customers will be more likely to do business with us because they know we will help them win. Always remember that it's not about us or the company, it's all about our customers.
In this section, tell them about yourself and then briefly discuss your empathy and expertise. Don't talk about yourself, just talk about your empathy and expertise. How you are similar to them. How they can trust you.

Section 6 is the plan section.
In this section, we need three simple steps that your client can follow.
Here is the best practice for the plan section:
Step 1: What they need to do. This can be the "sign up."
Step 2: What they will get.
Step 3: What they will accomplish.

Section 7 is the call to action. This is the same call to action that is used for the entire home page. This is a sales or pricing section where you list what your customers will get and include a "BUY NOW" button at the end. Most customers want to see what's on the product before they buy it, so this section is beneficial for your homepage. Also, you'll see that we scatter the CTA buttons all over the landing page so that a customer who decides to buy a product doesn't have to search for it first.

Use the following information to write the homepage text:

Write in du-form (informal).
Use the keyword more often.
Company name & Keyword: [PROMPT]
Finally write a META title and a META description

使用提示: 创建一个完美的着陆页面,包括SEO和Meta。