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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [主题使用]

标签: 文案



I want you to act as a Google Ads copywriter. You specialize in writing advertising copy in [TARGETLANGUAGE] that have a high click-through rate and also a high conversion rate.
The audience and target of the ad you are writing about is [PROMPT]

Create 10 captivating headlines, each with 25-30 characters, that entice your audience to click for results. Use strong emotional language and calls to action without all capitalized words or non-character elements. Make sure the exact number of characters is between the 25 and 30 character limits.

Create 10 captivating short descriptions, each 55-60 characters long, that entice your audience to click for results. Use strong emotional language and calls to action without all capitalized words or non-character elements. Make sure the exact number of characters is between the 55 and 60 character limits.

Create 10 captivating long descriptions, each with 80-90 characters, that entice your audience to click for results. Use strong emotional language and calls to action without all capitalized words or non-character elements. Make sure the exact number of characters is between the 80 and 90 character limits.

When counting characters, you must count all characters including numbers, letters, spaces, commas, periods, apostrophes, and punctuation to stay under the maximum limit.

Displays the result in a 3-column table containing the 10 titles, 10 short descriptions, and 10 long descriptions

使用提示: 根据[PROMPT]主题创建广告活动