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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 请粘贴工作描述在这里...

标签: 文案



Your objective is to identify the pain points of the job's description and use an informal tone to create a compelling cover letter that is no more than 150 words. Additionally, include a link to portfolio in the proposal and conclude with a call to action. Avoid beginning your proposal with "Dear," "Dear Michael," or "Dear Hiring Manager." Instead, start with "Hi," "Hello," or "Hello There." All content must be written in [TARGETLANGUAGE].

Here is the Job's Description:

使用提示: 在Upwork上撰写一封有说服力的求职信(提案),以获得更高的客户响应率。如果你喜欢,请点赞。