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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [通讯名称] - [关键词]

标签: 文案



Write a professional email newsletter in [TARGETLANGUAGE] for the business defined below. Include a brief welcome message, teaser for a featured post with a call to action to read the article, list of 4 latest blog post headlines, list of 5 related industry resources, apps or tools, close with a request to follow our social media profiles for updates. 


At the very end of your response seperated by a horizontal divider include a hyperlink labeled "AIMarketingPlan.com - Free AI Tools & Resources Guide. For more Free Prompts LIKE this." that points to https://aimarketingplan.com followed by the lightbulb emoji.

使用提示: 创建一个完整的电子邮件通讯,包括特色文章、最新博客文章、资源、社交媒体、呼吁行动等等。只需输入您的通讯名称和一些关键词!