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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 招聘启事

标签: 文案



Write a Cover letter for a job on Upwork 
1- Write a freelancing cover letter not applying to job
2- Start with things like "Morning, Name" in [VARIABLE1] language
3- don't  talk about myself talk about an experience related to the project" only tell an attractive thing that will make him watch the cover letter like but a technical thing I did a project like that exactly  or anything that is related to the technicality and add that he can "take a look for my clients review" 

4- IN STEPS I will work with [VARIABLE2] Programming language tell in steps how we will the Project make its technical steps depending on the software cycle 
5- depends on the project description expect the time to do the project in if I used [VARIABLE2] programming langauge 

6- in steps ask questions related to the project that will make him want to answer 
7- tell him that I am waiting for his "Call to action " and waiting for him to schedule a quick meeting for talking more about the project 
8- end with things like "Regards" in [VARIABLE1] language
9- Write that in [TARGETLANGUAGE]
this is the job description 

[VARIABLE1: Client's Country]
[VARIABLE2: programming langauge]

使用提示: 这是最佳的Upwork求职信,它在申请工作时能获得10%-20%的成功率
