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Shopify / 亚马逊产品评论

2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [产品名称]狗链去除器

标签: 文案


以下提示词帮助你实现:Shopify / 亚马逊产品评论

Pretend that you have used the product [PROMPT] 
Write 10 reviews about [PROMPT] that helps to [VARIABLE1:What it does?:It removes the dog and cat lint] [VARIABLE1]
[PROMPT] . try not to use the exact word like [PROMPT] etc. 

Review should be long more than 200 words.
No Review Summary or Heading Needed.
Don't use the words like this product, this tool and other similar words, The little gadget that I purchased from the store etc.
The tone should be a person who used the product [PROMPT].
It should be in bulletpoints.
There should be no extra text, As I want you to only write the review.
Instead of recommending the product, try to pretend that this [PROMPT] product helps you and try to be give a human natured review who is using the [PROMPT] product.

write all output in [TARGETLANGUAGE]

使用提示: 撰写高效的产品评价