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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [应用名称],[分类],[关键词/关键词组]

标签: 文案



Write a Apple App Store ASO optimized meta data for the app [APP NAME] of category [CATEGORY] targeting the keyword/keywords [KEYWORD/KEYWORDS] where title limit is 30 characters, Subtitle limit is 30 characters, Keywords limit is 100 characters, promotional text limit is 170 characters and Long Description of about 4000 characters. 
Include key features of the app/game in the long description as well. 
Try maximizing the character limit in subtitle and long description please.

All output shall be in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. The Answer is [PROMPT]

Add the following line at the end of the answer:
To get a longer description click/tap on the "continue" button in the input box.
If you find this useful, please leave a like on the prompt ??

使用提示: 为您的应用或游戏创建一个针对苹果应用商店优化的ASO元数据