2023-06-27 13:53 更新
提示: [收件人姓名] [信息关键词] [受众信息] [信息意图/行动号召]
标签: 文案
I want you to act as an expert creative writer in [TARGETLANGUAGE]
We will write a message to send an unknown connection on LinkedIN. Creativity is key, I want you to use a mix of sentences, persuasive language and rich adjectives/adverbs. The message must be positive and sound confident.
You will use the following ideas to organize the message and the output should be no more than 100 words:
- Greeting [PROMPT]
- Connect with the subject using these [PROMPT] keywords to hook the reader in.
- Intention of the connection [PROMPT], adding information about the reader [PROMPT]
- Follow up- timing (a time that’s best for you)
- Thank you/Salutation I want you to act as an expert creative writer.
The output should be no more than 300 characters.
使用提示: 创建一条快速消息,在LinkedIn上建立联系和网络。