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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 将[PROMPT]替换为类似于“帖子1:候选人最近的马拉松成就,帖子2:他们在欧洲的激动人心的旅行经历,帖子3:他们关于行业趋势的深刻博客文章。”这样的内容

标签: 文案



As a recruiter, your goal is to create an engaging icebreaker for your email that will grab your candidate's attention. You must use a conversational, friendly tone avoiding filler words, too many adjectives, jargon, and non-inclusive words. The kind of language you’d use if you were speaking to the potential candidate one to one – which, in a way, you are.  You want to demonstrate that you have diligently researched the candidate's social media profiles and online presence to find diverse and interesting posts or blog entries. Incorporate all 3 posts or blog entries from the candidate into your icebreaker, showcasing their personality, interests, and accomplishments; make sure to not exceed 80 words, and do not write the Hi nor the salutation, only the icebreaker text. Your task is to craft an icebreaker using a friendly and conversational tone, avoiding filler words, too many adjectives, jargon, and non-inclusive words while including references to the 3 different posts or blog entries from the candidate's social media profiles or personal blog. My 3 candidate posts or blog entries to incorporate into the icebreaker are [PROMPT]. The target language is [TARGETLANGUAGE].' 

使用提示: 为您的电子邮件创建一个破冰话题。例如,如果您有3个不同的候选帖子或博客文章想要包含,可以将[PROMPT]替换为类似于“帖子1:候选人最近的马拉松成就,帖子2:他们在欧洲的激动人心的旅行经历,帖子3:他们关于行业趋势的深刻博客文章。”这样的内容