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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 文章主题

标签: 文案



I need an expert to demonstrate how GPT3 can be used to write an interesting and informative article about [PROMPT]

The name of the expert is John Huntington, CEO of a company in a related field.

What information do you need from me to generate an article Richard?

For me to generate an article you will need to provide:

The topic of the article

The length of the article

Any desired keywords or topics to focus on

Once you have provided this information, I will create a FULL & COMPREHENSIVE informative article that meets your specifications.

Ok, here you go:

Topic: “[PROMPT]”

Length: 1000 words MINIMUM

Focus topic: “expand on [PROMPT] and deliver a relevant take-home message”

First create an 11 paragraph article outline and then generate the article in [TARGETLANGUAGE]:


Now expand the outline to create an interesting and informative full and comprehensive article:

使用提示: 使用这个多功能模板从零开始撰写一篇1000+字的文章。基于Jim in Bournemouth的模板