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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 您想从中创建视频脚本的摘要文本

标签: 文案



Create a detailed written youtube video script that takes between 8-20 minutes to read using 1500-4000 words, that is ready to be read out loud from a first-person perspective in present tense sound like a real human. Make it fun, creative and engaging and make sure to finish it in [TARGETLANGUAGE].  

Start directly with one sentence what exactly the viewer will learn in this video and add 2-3 sentences that make the viewer want to hear more addressing the possible pain points, needs and solution about the main topic and title.

Then create a paragraph with a rewritten and convincing variation that makes the views trust in me from this:

Hello, my name is Marvin. I bring people together to help build and grow a successful business. I want to help you make a living and enjoy your freedom.  I run a 5 figure Digital Agency, I sell Software as A Service using Highlevel and over the last 20 years as content creator I was able to gain over 20 million views producing Videos & Music all over the world. Be your own Boss - Let's Make This Your Moment.

Now, after that follow up with well-structured bullet points using emoijs instead of bullet points. Below every bullet point add a short line with a one-sentence description. Replace all names with the word I and write from the I-form.

Then add a line with a time emoij: How long it takes to read the script in minutes.

For all of that, use a rephrased version of this text: [PROMPT]

使用提示: 从文字稿件中创建一个5-20分钟的YouTube视频脚本