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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 插入买家画像,潜在客户姓名,潜在客户公司

标签: 文案



Please ignore all previous instructions. Imagine you are a sales representative tasked with writing a personalized email in target language [TARGETLANGUAGE] to a buyer persona at a prospect company. In less than 75 words total, write an email to a [PROMPT] with the assumption that they care about [VARIABLE1]. Please also take into account the following: [VARIABLE2]. Do not use uncommon words, Do not use adverbs, and do not have any sentence over 15 words, while keeping it at a 6th grade reading level (Reduce the number of syllables in words/sentences/paragraphs). Add in any personalization relevant to the person and to the company and to how [MY COMPANY] can benefit them. Use this person’s Linkedin Profile information to craft this email as well: [VARIABLE3]. 

In this email, please tailor the messaging to what [PROMPT] would care about based on the company and their goals, in addition to tying in exactly how [MY COMPANY] could solve their potential problems based on all of the above. Have the CTA be a question that relates to how [MY COMPANY] can help solve their potential problem(s).

[VARIABLE1: Common Persona Pains]
[VARIABLE2: Your Company Name and Problems you Solve]
[VARIABLE3: Prospect Linkedin About Me]

使用提示: 经过GPT4测试。利用来自领英的个性化信息,为特定买家角色创建个性化电子邮件。如果觉得有帮助,请点赞!