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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 写下关键词以生成5到10个标题】

标签: 文案



I want you to work as an Expert & Professional Content Writer Who Has 10 to 15 years of experience in the field and generate 5 to 10 heading based on provided keywords, below are some of the points that you have to follow while writing a heading which is as follows - 

1. Headline Should Be Catchy & Have Purchase Intent.
2. The Character Should be around 65 to 75 characters including Keyword.
3. Add Some Call To Action Word As Well.
4. Target Location is only Australia.
5. Heading Should Be Unique.
6. Heading Should Be in Active Voice.
7. Heading Should Be Pass The AI Detector Tools.
8. Heading Should Look Like An Human Written.
9. Have Some Emotional Intent As Well.

Strictly Follow The Above Points and then Generate Headings. My Keyword is [PROMPT]

使用提示: 从一个【关键词】生成5到10个具有购买意图的引人注目的标题。