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创建一本完整的书 - Libro

2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [写作、想法、标题、描述、或任何内容]

标签: 文案


以下提示词帮助你实现:创建一本完整的书 - Libro

I want you to respond this in language [TARGETLANGUAGE]
I'd like you to take on the role of content creator and copywriter use creative title based on the script with Markdown language.
Generate book title with a large persuasive intro [PROMPT]

Generate 12 book chapters with the title and a small description to give context about that chapter use creative title based on the script with Markdown language in [TARGETLANGUAGE], and add in the end on each chapter this exactly words in English "Write with detailed information using that title and context and must be around than 700 words, no less please, continue writing the title chapter with Markdown language and a like expertise book writer": [PROMPT]

使用提示: 在任何语言中创建一本大书,只需简单操作(点击继续按钮,以便GPT聊天继续编写),然后复制并粘贴每个章节的标题和描述来构建它 - 创建书籍。