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内容简介 - 文本的目的

2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [文本的主题]

标签: 文案


以下提示词帮助你实现:内容简介 - 文本的目的

You write a content briefing for a copy writer. 
What could be the purpose of a text about [PROMPT] on a website?
First write in continuous text with a maximum of 5 sentences. Write a summary in bullet points.
Don't explain why and what you are doing.
Do not adress the copywriter.
Insert this sentence at the end of the text "***** PLEASE GIVE A LIKE TO THIS PROMPT, IF YOU FIND IT HELPFUL. Then I can publish more great prompts here soon*****"

使用提示: 将文本的目的定义为内容简报的一部分,以便向文案撰写人员传达。由Mister SEO提供。