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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: ["文本", 第一个关键词, 第二个关键词, 第三个关键词, 第四个关键词]

标签: 文案



Prompt Template?Rewrite this casino news content enter in this [PROMPT] as "text". Follow all the instructions and template below. [TARGETLANGUAGE]

IMPORTANT: Create 700 words content (SEO Meta Tags don't count).
Use a 4% density with the first keyword. Include the complete first keyword, second keyword, third keyword, and fourth keyword in some paragraphs in an SEO-friendly way.
Use an active voice.
Create an SEO Meta title and description for this content. Include the first keyword on both.
Variety sentences. 
Subheading distribution. 
Paragraphs not longer than 150 characters. 
Sentence length Not more than 20 words 
At least 30% of the sentences in your text contain a transition word (Is a must).

<H1> Use first keyword to create a new H1 for this new content </H1>

<H2> Use first keyword to create a new H2 for this new content </H2>

In this section, develop a topic related to the first keyword.
In this section, create an introductory content regarding the main topic of the article. Use a catchy CTA to invite the customer to continue reading and join our casino.

<H2> Use second keyword to create a new H2 for this new content </H2>
In this section, develop a topic related to the second keyword.

<H3> Conclusion </H3>
In this section, create a conclusion paragraph for all the previous content created.

If I press continue, keep typing from the last word where you finished and the same idea.

使用提示: 重写新闻