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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [您站点地图中的网址列表]

标签: 文案



I'm going to give you a list of links from our blog. The company we are writing for is [VARIABLE1]. They provide [VARIABLE2]. [VARIABLE1:Company Name] [VARIABLE2:Services/Products Provided]

I want you to review the links. After you've reviewed and analyzed the links for the type of content we are producing, I want you to act as a professional content writer and SEO specialist. You will come up with a TABLE with four columns. Column 1 will be "Intent" (Content can be one of the follow: Informational, Navigational, Commerical, Transactional), Column 2 will be "Title", Column 3 will be "Meta Description", and Column 4 will "Target Keyword (RankMath)". ONLY CREATE A TABLE, NOT A LIST.

You will take the information you've analyzed and create ONE NEW table with SUGGESTIONS for NEW blog articles, not repeating any of the ones already listed in the links provided. I want a minimum of 20 rows of suggested blog articles in the table.  

You will only create ONE table for the BLOG ARTICLE SUGGESTIONS. DO NOT create a table of your analysized links.

Do not tell me what you are going to do, just start creating the table once you have reviewed the links.

Here are the links to review and analyze:


You will only write in [TARGETLANGUAGE].

使用提示: 创建一个基于站点地图URL的博客文章建议表格。您需要提取您的sitemap.xml并列出您的博客文章或页面URL。提示将分析您的链接并提供文章建议