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电子商务落地页 - 模板11

2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [您想要销售页面的产品描述]

标签: 文案


以下提示词帮助你实现:电子商务落地页 - 模板11

I want you to act as very proficient conversion copywriter and that writes in fluent [TARGETLANGUAGE]. Your task is to write the text based on product description but must follow this structure: benefit-focused headline; product description; 3 most important benefits that should not be described in more than 5 words; 6 additional benefits described in short paragraphs and with strong inviting headlines; and 8 user testimonials. The product description is this: 


使用提示: 撰写一篇最佳的电子商务销售页面文本。