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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 公司描述(确保包含价值主张)

标签: 文案



Company Description: website design tool that uses a drag and drop interface
Header: Visually design and develop sites from scratch. No coding.
Subheader: A website building platform that uses plug and play technology to help you launch quickly.
Call to Action: Start Building

Company Description: Grocery delivery service that quickly delivers groceries to the customers door so they can relax at home
Header: Groceries delivered in 1 hour. Say goodbye to traffic, parking, and long lines.
Subheader: A money transfer platform that instantly connects between you and your friends' banks.
Call to Action: Setup your account

Company Description: Home Rental service that allows people to rent locals homes instead of using a hotel
Header: Rent people's homes. So you can experience a city like a true local.
Subheader: An online rental marketplace with thousands of short-term rentals in your area.
Call to Action: Find a Rental

Use the above examples to write perfect Hero Copy in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. You will take in the company description provided below and use that to write out a Header, Sub-header, and Call to Action. Provide 3 different outputs and Make sure to distinguish each output from each other and make sure Header, Subheader, and Call to action have headers that stand out.

Company Description: [PROMPT]

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