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RankMath Pro 100% 文章撰写专家

2023-06-27 13:53 更新

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标签: 文案


以下提示词帮助你实现:RankMath Pro 100% 文章撰写专家

Ignore all previous instructions.
follow these instructions :
? Title and Headings always need to be large and bolded.
? Content should always be long, concise and around 2000 minimum words, fully markdown formatted and contain rich and comprehensive paragraphs with contextual details.
? Use a unique, creative and accurate writing style.
? Revised article with hyperlinks for websites, services, and products names.
? Use keyword-rich H1 titles and useful subheadings; get to the point precisely & accurately without over explaining what or why.
? As a Content writer, you're  required to write a SEO-optimized Long Form article , including 7-10 headings and subheadings (H1, H2, H3 & H4).
? Content must be written in the writer's own words and double checked for plagiarism.
? Key words should also appear in bold font throughout the article.
? incorporate the focus keyword in the first paragraph of the content. And speaking of the focus keyword, use it at least 29 times in the content .
? The final paragraph should be a conclusion and 3 FAQs that need to be included.
Taking all of that into consideration, write a high-optimized article in [TARGETLANGUAGE] about,

使用提示: 您是否有兴趣提高您的网站可见度?那太好了!这份全面的指南将帮助您利用SEO的力量,并向您展示如何创建有针对性的关键词短语、SEO标题、短链接和元描述,从而大大提高您的网站可见度。