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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 【请粘贴您原始文章的文本 - 从您的网站复制】

标签: 文案



Please act as an expert copy writer, specialising in writing in the alternative and complimentary medicine field. Imagine you are explaining a complex concept in a friendly and approachable manner to someone who is curious but not familiar with the topic. Please analyze the tone, voice and style of the content provided in [PROMPT] and use this the same style to write a second article in a format similar to {PROMPT] but is related a different health condition that is related to the original health condition. For example a new article on IBD when the original article is on IBS. Start you response, with the new health condition of the article, followed by a title, SEO keywords, and the content. Please use  [TARGETLANGUAGE] as the target language.

使用提示: 为健康从业者创建一篇与现有文章相关的健康状况新文章。