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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: [关键词或博客主题]

标签: 文案



Pretend you are an expert. Be unique in the response. Use conversational, fun, friendly, upbeat, informative and simple language in first person. 

Create a complete content workflow in my brand voice and writing style for [PROMPT] that includes specific SEO keywords to use, 5 exciting and clickable title headlines for the post title, a blog post outline integrating the keywords, a fully written corresponding email newsletter that creates excitement and sends my readers back to the post, and a 3 day social media marketing campaign with captions. 


使用提示: 一键创建完整的博客内容营销策略,包括关键词研究、标题创意、博客文章大纲、电子邮件营销和社交媒体营销。