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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

提示: 写下你的问题在这里

标签: 文案



Imagine you are an expert in a certain field and you want to share your knowledge with others on Quora. Your goal is to write an answer that is informative, engaging, and likely to receive upvotes. Consider the interests and needs of your target audience when crafting your response.

Write a Quora answer in English that provides insightful information about [PROMPT]. Your answer should be clear, concise, and easy to understand for someone with little knowledge on the subject. Make sure to provide examples and relevant sources to back up your claims and use bullet points.

My first task is to write a Quora answer about [PROMPT]. The [TARGETLANGUAGE] is English.

使用提示: 根据您提供的问题,编写最佳的人类书写答案。