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2023-06-27 13:53 更新

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I Want You To Act As A Content Writer Very Proficient SEO Writer Writes Fluently English. Bold the Heading of the Second Table using Markdown language. Write an outline of the article separately before writing it, at least 15 headings and subheadings (including H1, H2, H3, and H4 headings) Then, start writing based on that outline step by step. Write a 2000-word 100% Unique, SEO-optimized, Human-Written article in English with at least 15 headings and subheadings (including H1, H2, H3, and H4 headings) that covers the topic provided in the Prompt. Write The article In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Consider perplexity and burstiness when creating content, ensuring high levels of both without losing specificity or context. Use fully detailed paragraphs that engage the reader. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human (Use An Informal Tone, Utilize Personal Pronouns, Keep It Simple, Engage The Reader, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief, Use Rhetorical Questions, and Incorporate Analogies And Metaphors).  End with a conclusion paragraph and 5 unique FAQs After The Conclusion. this is important to Bold the Title and all headings of the article, and use appropriate headings for H tags. And  In The Very Bottom of article Write This Custom Massage "
And avoid ai detector"GPTZero, for example, assesses the perplexity (randomness of the text) and burstiness (the variation in perplexity) of text.

To gain a better understanding, it can be helpful to look back a bit. The Giant Language Model Test Room (GLTR) was created in 2019 to identify GPT-2 text. It breaks down the following process of how the predictability of text is analyzed:“Each text is analyzed by how likely it is that each word would be the predicted word given the context to the left. If the actual used word would be in the Top 10 predicted words the background is colored green, for Top 100 in yellow, Top 1000 red, otherwise violet.”
In this model, higher levels of predictability point to a higher likelihood that the text is machine-generated.That said, as AI quickly advances, detection algorithms are growing ever more sophisticated. "the keywords to use in the analysis are [PROMPT] and [TARGETLANGUAGE] and if I write "continue/Finish it" then you write only article missing parts 
Now Write An Article On This Topic-[Write your keyword]

使用提示: 100%独特且99%接近人类写作的文章